Did you know that most of us are exposed to sounds that could potentially cause hearing loss on an everyday basis? From lawn mowers to power tools and even just loud music, all of these sounds could cause hearing loss if we’re exposed to them for a long period of time. However, many of us face these sound levels not by choice, but because of our occupations.

Construction Workers

Noise from heavy machinery, power tools and equipment can be damaging to hearing if you are exposed to it for long periods of time. When working in construction you should be wearing some form of hearing protection. These sounds


Regardless, if you are playing at home, in a practice room, on stage or even at an outdoor event, regular exposure to loud music and amplifiers can cause hearing damage. When going to concerts or events where the music will be loud, you should have earplugs with you. Your hearing health professional will be able to get you the right hearing protection for you.

Factory Workers

The noise from manufacturing processes and machinery can vary depending on your occupation. However, the majority of these factories use heavy and sound machinery that could cause hearing damage. The level of exposure from these machines are different. Talk with your hearing health professional about hearing protection and what would be right for you.

Landscapers and Groundskeepers

Noise from lawn mowers, leaf blowers and other outdoor equipment is loud enough to cause hearing loss if you are exposed to it for long periods of time. While occasionally using these tools is no problem, using them on a daily basis for work could lead to hearing loss.

Military Personnel

Exposure to gunfire, explosions and aircraft noise can cause hearing loss. Training with firearms and other military equipment could also lead to hearing damage without the right protection. Earplugs and earmuffs will be able to protect you from these noise exposures.

Motor Vehicle Operators

The noise from engines, especially in large trucks and buses, can often be loud enough to cause hearing damage. While you may be protected on the inside of a large truck, you might not have the same protection for a construction vehicle.

Power Plant Operators

Sounds from turbines, generators and other equipment can be loud enough to cause permanent damage to your hearing. This will vary from plant to plant, so it’s important to assess your circumstances to see if you are developing hearing loss. Wearing hearing protection can preserve your hearing.

What Should You Do If Your Occupation Requires Hearing Protection?

It’s a good idea to use hearing protection if you are in an occupation that is regularly exposed to loud sounds. To get the best results and safeguard your hearing, you should speak with a hearing health professional that can help you with custom hearing protection solutions. These will fit better, be more comfortable and also provide greater hearing protection. Alternatively, it may be best to speak with your manager or supervisor to express concerns about noise-induced hearing loss in the workplace.