Do you find it hard to understand conversations around you or bird songs chirping in the park?

You may be experiencing hearing loss. There is many different style of hearing aids that may benefit you for your specific loss, but there are also different customization option for your hearing aids to match your lifestyle, preferences and needs.

What Does an Audiologist Do

An audiologist begins their process by carefully evaluating your hearing, pinpointing specific frequencies where an increase is needed. An audiologist will adjust your device in order to accentuate these pitches. With a hearing aid fitting, you will get a custom fit hearing aid to meet your individual needs, ensure a higher quality of life and better listening experience. There are three common style of hearing aids your audiologist will recommend for treating your hearing loss. These styles include:

  • Behind the ear (BTE)
  • In the ear (ITE)
  • In the canal (ITC)


So, what exactly does the customization of your hearing aid involve? Hearing aid customization refers to the process of tailoring a hearing aid specifically to fit your hearing profile. Customization typically entails multiple visits with your audiologist. While your first few meetings might consist of just a hearing test and fitting, subsequent appointments provide feedback which your audiologist uses to fine-tune and modify your hearing aid based on experiences and observations gathered from feedback received from you.

The Fitting Process

A hearing aid fitting is important for various reasons. Firstly, it guarantees that the hearing aids are customized to the individual’s specific hearing requirements, therefore, optimizing their performance. This customization ensures comfort and precise amplification, addressing individual hearing challenges effectively. It also facilitates the wearer’s adaptation to the devices, making them feel natural and providing clear sound.

Additionally, the process allows for familiarization with hearing aid usage and maintenance. When maintaining your hearing aids your audiologist will talk to you about daily care routines, including cleaning and storage, to ensure longevity and optimal performance. Additionally, they’ll educate you on changing batteries and troubleshooting common issues, empowering you to address minor concerns independently. This training ensures that you can confidently maintain your hearing aids, prolonging their lifespan and keeping them in top working condition.

With a hearing aid designed to match your specific hearing needs, you actively engage in the world around you. Imagine experiencing life’s richness, with every sound amplified to fit your hearing profile. The advantages of hearing aid customization include better communication with your friends and loved ones, enhanced enjoyment of music and movies and increased confidence in your device meeting your specific requirements. By consulting with your audiologist and ensuring that your hearing aid performs optimally, you’re on the path to an improved auditory experience.

If you want to learn more about the customization of hearing aids or the process behind a hearing aid fitting consult an audiologist. They will be able to test your hearing and based on the results find the most suitable treatment for you.

Tags: hearing aid basics, hearing aid repair, hearing aid styles